Xəbər arxivi
02 November, 2015
“National Museum of Azerbaijan History” book-album published

imgDevoted to the 70th anniversary of ANAS “National Museum of Azerbaijan History” book-album by National Museum of History of Azerbaijan was published.

In the book authored and published by the Director of the institute, Academician Naila Valikhali in detailed informed about 95th anniversary of museum. In the new edition also reflected complete information about the history of the museum, about its sciense-promotion, methodological and educational activities, and also about editions, departments and funds, restoration laboratory, library, various expositions, stationary and mobile exhibitions, etc. Catalog allocated a special place for photos of the employees working in the museum in 1920-2015.

Storing the material and spiritual values National Museum of Azerbaijan History protects historical memory and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.

In the book-album is also given the information on the events carried out here, plenipotentiary representatives of foreign countries who visited the museum, heads of states, ambassadors, as well as memorabilia, donated to the museum.