Xəbər arxivi
21 January, 2013
“Moral life of Azeri nation and its role on creation of material culture” published


Researcher Tamilla Ibrahimova’s book – who had untimely passed away, takes special place among publications of the associates of ANAS National Azerbaijan History Museum. Thus, recently published “Moral life of Azeri nation and its role on creation of material culture” published (“Духовная жизнь азербайджанского

народа и ее роль в создании материальной культуры”) book investigates establishment and spread areas of Zoroastrianism, historical sources allowing to explore Zoroastrianism, as religious-philosophical current, official adoption of the “Avesta” religious book during The Sassanids.


“Avesta” plots are described on the pictures of glazed tiles stored in the museum. T. Ibrahimova had analyzed glazed tiles, described the plots in detail. Sacred fires of ancient Azerbaijan state – Atropatena, described in the poet Firdovsi’s “Shahnameh” work also to be issued.

Glass objects found in the Bandovan II archaeological monument, Iranian china plates of XVI-XVII centuries protected in the museum's collection, materials associated with the 30 and 60 years activity of the relevant departments of the museum were reflected in the publication.