Xəbər arxivi
18 April, 2013
III Republican conference on “Role and problems of the museums in study of Azerbaijan history”

First meeting of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev club at ANAS Azerbaijan National History MuseumANAS National Azerbaijan History Museum launched III Republican conference on “Role and problems of the museums in study of Azerbaijan history” dedicated to national leader Heydar Aliyev’s 90th anniversary. Vice-president of ANAS, director of the museum, acad. Naila Valikhanli opened the conference, stressed out the importance of it, and made speech the role of museums in study Azerbaijan history.

She reported on “Heydar Aliyev and museum issue in Azerbaijan”. At all times along, with other areas, the museums especially ANAS National Azerbaijan History Museum has been focused on by Azerbaijan’s national leader Heydar Aliyev with great attention and care. Today, that policy was successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev – stated N. Valikhanli. scientific worker of the State Museum of Azerbaijan Carpet and Applied Arts named after L. Karimov Ulker Shiraliyeva reported on “Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani carpet weaving (relic of the past, today's Guide -Azerbaijani carpet),” the director of the State Museum of Azerbaijan Musical Culture, the honored worker of culture, PhD in art Alla Bayramova on “Role of museums in the prevention of forgetting the music plays”, sector director of “Old City” State historical-Architectural Reserve Board under AR The Cabinet of Ministers, Dr. History Kamil Ibragimov on “The protected archaeological excavations in the Old City promoting our history as a museum under the open sky”. Conference attendees discussed scientific fund in museums, exposition work, study Azerbaijan history, museum pedagogies, historical researchers, museums mutual ties via educational institutions in promo of Azerbaijan history, hold of scientific-research works around certain issues. Conference working over sections will be completed on April 19. Note that, the conference materials will be published in a bulk form.