Xəbər arxivi
04 JUNE, 2013
At the website a new link

The National Museum of Czech Republic On 1 June, the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan hosts an exhibition which is entitled “Czech Garnet”. The exhibition will last until September 25, and at the exhibition will be demonstrated the collection of jewelry made by Czech jewelers in XIV-XX centuries. 

The whole exhibits will be presented by the National Museum of Czech Republic. The National Museum of Czech Republic is one of the oldest and largest museums.  This year museum celebrates its 195th anniversary and includes 5 specialized museums:  the National Museum of Science and Nature, the Museum of History, National Museum of Library, Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures, Czech Museum of Music. The National Museum of Czech Republic including 15 different buildings has over 20 million collection items and there is held permanent thematic exhibitions as well as a number of cultural and educational events. To get acquainted with activity and objects from the National Museum of Czech Republic you can visit a new link on museum site. Once you click on the link at the bottom left corner of the site you will get here the link to the website of Czech museums’ world.