Xəbər arxivi
21 JUNE, 2013
Ancient carpets kept in private collection in U.S. presented to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani carpets “Ejdahali” (Karabakh, late 17th century) and “Salyan Khilesi” (Shirvan, 19th century)Azerbaijani carpets “Ejdahali” (Karabakh, late 17th century) and “Salyan Khilesi” (Shirvan, 19th century) kept in the collection of the deceased member of Chicago Oriental Rug and Textile Society Grover Shilts have been presented to the State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpet and People's Applied Art after Latif Karimov by his spouse Mrs. Beverly Shilts.

Delivering a speech at the event on the occasion, head of the Cultural Policy Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Fikrat Babayev said that a lot of ancient Azerbaijani carpets were being kept in private collections abroad. “The Azerbaijani government takes appropriate measure to return them to the country,” he added.The letter of thanks of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture and Tourism to Mrs. Beverly Shilts was read out at the event. Addressing the presentation ceremony, Director of the State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpet and People's Applied Art after Latif Karimov, Roya Tagizade underlined the government`s care and attention to carpet-making in the country. Beverly Shilts said she was pleased to return Azerbaijani carpets to the country. Some 15 representatives from foreign countries, including representatives of the Oriental Carpets Academic Committee of Italy Alberto Boravelli and Stefano Ionesco, were present at the event.
Stefano Ionesco hailed the event as “an obvious sign of intercultural dialogue between the countries”.The event also featured the opening of a carpet exhibition. “Dragon and horse” by Koos de Jong was presented to the museum. The participants toured the museum.