Xəbər arxivi
04 November, 2013
“Nasib bey Yusifbeyli - defender of national independence and statehood” edition of collected articles

National Museum of History of Azerbaijan has recently issued publication titled   “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli - upholder of national independence and statehood”.

    Devoted to the 95th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic this edition of collected articles informs on  Nasib  bey  Yusifbeyli’s  life and activity, including   world-view  and ideology of the  eminent political and public figure, social activist,  prime Minister of  ADR from  April 1919 to March 1920, who was a tireless   upholder for the rights  of Turkic  and Muslim people living in Russia,  as well as Nasib bey Yusifbeyli’s activities  and realization of plans and some issues regarding his mysterious death .

    Scientific editor of the publication is PhD Firdovsiya Akhmadova.  In the collected articles are included   “Nasib bey - representative of the Yusifbeyli’s family”,  Ali Farkhadov  “Light illuminated by journal Alami-Nisvan”,   Fikret Bagirov “ Nasib bey Yusifbeyli - founder of central Turkic  Federalist Party ”, PhD Gunel Aliyeva – Mammadova “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli and his activity in Transcaucasia  Seim”, PhD Zarifa Dulayeva “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli and public education” (in Russian), PhD  Farkhad  Jabbarov  “Issues of  Azerbaijan and Russian relations in the government  policy  headed by  Nasib bey Yusifbeyli”,  PhD Zarifa Dulayeva “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli and international recognition of Azerbaijan Republic” (in Russian),  PhD  Firdovsiya  Akhmadova   “Role of Nasib bey Yusifbeyli  in  national independent movement  of Azerbaijan”, professor  Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi  “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli in Uzeyir bey Hadjibeyli’s letters (correspondence)”,  PhD  Farkhad Jabbarov  “In the wake of random allocation   to Prime Minister”  (in Russian), PhD Sabukhi Akhmadov “ On little known achievements of  Nasib  beyli Yusifbeyli’s government - Adoption of  battle flags by military detachments of Azerbaijan”,  Nazif Gakhramanli “Once more on Nasib bey Yusifbeyli’s death”.

   Publication includes the following articles Mammad Emin Razulzadeh “Yusif bey Nasibeyli- victim of conquest”, “Nasib bey Yusifbeyli in Naghi Sheykhzamanli’s memories” , the  poesy  titled “To Azerbaijani. To Respected Nasib bey” written  by  the poet of early XX century Ali Yusif ,  Zakir Sadatli “Blood relation of history (Nasib bey Yusifbeyli in Aziz Alpoudin’s memory)”,  Feyzi Aghzum   “Who can claim that we are not competent to rule ourselves as a nation?!” Nasib bey  Yusifbeyli”.  Presentation of publication is scheduled.