"Prominent writer and thinker Ali bey Huseynzadeh” bulk of articles released
The publishing house "Elm" published bulk of articles "Prominent writer and thinker Ali bey Huseynzadeh”.
The bulk was prepared in the İnstitute of Literature of ANAS, in accordance with the Action Plan, approved by the Decree of the Presi...

“Scientific ties and educational activity of Azerbaijani scientists in the medieval ages” book published
The book titled as “Scientific ties and educational activity of Azerbaijani scientists in the medieval ages” by Deputy Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History for Academic Affairs, Dr. History Nargys Alieva, was released.

Academician Naila Valikhanli attended the 1st Forum of Eurasian Women
Director of National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS, Academician Naila Valikhanli attended the 1st Forum of Eurasian Women in St. Petersburg, Russia, devoted to 70th anniversary of II World War.
Event discussed issues of international cooper...
