Museum's publications
Anthropomorphic terracotta of Azerbaijan
Anthropomorphic terracotta of Azerbaijan

Anthropomorphic terracotta of Azerbaijan. Catalog. Baku, 2010, 54 p.

The book provides detailed details of each exhibit in the collection (inventory number, dimensions, repair material, period, discovery period and conditions), relevant photographs. Anthropomorphic terracotta, an important historical source, is very important in terms of studying the ideological ideas, beliefs and convictions of the ancient Azerbaijani people, as well as their artistic and aesthetic views.

Kitab haqqında
Anthropomorphic terracotta of Azerbaijan
F. Osmanov, M. Bağırova, F. Xəlilli, A.Yaqubova, T.İbrahimova, CeyhunEminli, Q.Ağayev, Ə.Fərhadov, Q.Həsənova, E.Miəmmədova, X.Kərimova. Elmi redaktor : akademik N.Vəlixanlı