Fund of Gifts and Memorabilia

“Fund of Gifts and Memorabilia” of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan was founded in 2009 on the basis of some of the materials of the Fund of “Soviet period” established in 1955. There are currently 5665 exhibits in the Fund. Nearly 1000 pieces of them are the ones, which were presented to our republic and directly to the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan. The gifts given by President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Turkey Turgut Ozal, King of Afghanistan Mohammed Zahir Shah, President of Indonesia Sukarno, President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Malikgulievich Berdimuhamedow hold a special place among the Fund’s exhibits.

The Fund’s memorabilia include memorial collections belonging to oil entrepreneur, philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, poets and writers such as Huseyn Javid, Samad Vurgun, Rasul Rza, academicians Mirasadulla Mirgasimov, Yusif Mammadaliyev, Aliashraf Alizade, Hasan Abdullayev, Faramaz Maksudov, Ismayil Huseynov, composers Muslum Magomayev, the brothers Uzeyir and Zulfugar Hajibeyov, Fikret Amirov, Gara Garayev, composer-conductor Niyazi, actors and actresses Huseyngulu Sarabski, Sidgi Ruhulla, Alasgar Alakbarov, Marziyya Davudova, Ali Gurbanov, Leyla Badirbeyli, Aghasadig Garaybeyli, Hokuma Gurbanova, Hero of Socialist Labour Sabit Orujov, Suleyman Vazirov, Heroes of the Soviet Union Israfil Mammadov, Hazi Aslanov, Mehdi Huseynzade, Ziya Bunyadov, Military Minister of the ADR Samadagha Mehmandarov, State Inspector Nariman bey Narimanbeyli, one of the leaders of Azerbaijan National Democratic Movement, Former President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Elchibey and others.

The Fund works on the description of exhibits, the preparation of thematic cards and scientific passports for relatively interesting and unique exhibits, the electronic certification of exhibits, compilation of catalogs as well as assisting creative organizations and individuals, picking materials for conservation and restoration including for the exhibitions being arranged in the Museum.

The exhibition “Gifts from friendly countries” was held and the catalog in the same name was published on the basis of the Fund’s materials. The Fund’s materials were also widely used in compiling catalogs such as “Maestro Niyazi”, “Golden fund of science”, “Azerbaijani banners”, “Azerbaijani generals”, “Aziz Aliyev”, “Theater life of Baku”, “Oil chronicle of Azerbaijan”.

 Over the years, the foundation was managed by: Agha Rahimov (1955), Asker Abdullaev (1955-1957), Tofik Dadashev (1957-1958), Rovshana Gashimova (1958-1961), Mira Aliyarova (1961-1964), Zumrud Kuliyeva (1964-1970) ), Rena Safarova (from 1970 to the present).