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11 October, 2021
“H.Z. Tagiyev club” continues its activities
We would like to inform you that H.Z.Tagiyev club established in the museum continues its activities. It should be noted that this club has been operating at National Museum of History of Azerbaijan since 2013. The main purpose of the club is to share basic information about the life and work of this genius man and to encourage the younger generation to acquire national-spiritual values.
The main activities of the club are to organize visual excursions for club members and guests in Tagiyev's memorial-house museum, to hold seminars, lectures, quests and master classes with photo-slides.
It should be noted that the events of the club will be held live and online by the Department of Innovations and Educational Programs of the Museum. From September 21, 2021, the club announces the admission of members of all ages. Those who want to join the club can contact these numbers: 012-493-11-34; 055-665-52-57; 055-734-76-64. Adress: National Museum of History Azerbaijan, H.Z.Tagiyev st. 4.
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