Xəbər arxivi
17 December, 2012
“Art metal of Shirvan” book has been published

“Art metal of Shirvan” book has been published by ANAS History Museum of Azerbaijan. Scientific editor of the book published in Azerbaijan and English is the director of the museum, the vice-president of ANAS, Academician Naila Valikhanli, the authors of the text are PhDs in history N.Guluzadeh and G.Agayev. The edition had composed as a catalogue form of archeological exhibits protecting in museum and discovered in Nergizava and Mollaisagli villages of Shirvan region.

Comprehensive detail (inventory number, size, material, period, the written description and conditions), photos of each exhibit included to collection had given in the book. In the “Preamble” of the book which is valuable material on learning material-cultural history of Caucasian Albania was given detailed information about Nergizava and Mollaisagli ancient settlements, excavations have been carried out in this area.


Spectral analysis was held at archeology technologies sector of ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography and their results was given in the book.