Samples of musical culture of Azerbaijan of XIX-XX centuries are preserved in the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan of ANAS.
Among the exhibits are a tambourine belonging to the famous singer Jabbar Qaryagdioglu, a tar belonging to the famous Azerbaijani tar player Mirza Faraj Rzayev, who won the mugam competition in Rasht, Iran in 1887, a tar belonging to the famous tar player and musician Suleyman Mansurov, and an ashug to the famous ashug Huseyn Bozalganli the flute belonging to the famous tar player and musician Ahmad agha Bakikhanov, the balaban belonging to the famous enlightener and writer Mirza Fatali Akhundov, the kamancha belonging to the famous singer and composer Zulfugar Hajibeyov are of special interest. There is also a uniquely designed kamancha of the XIX century (with the inscription "Shusha, 1881"), santur stringed instruments, flute, tutek-ney, zurna, yastibalaban, ney wind instruments, qaval, nagara, double-nagara, dumbak drums are presented. One of the unique exhibits is a gramophone belonging to the famous tar player Gurban Primov. The gramophone was donated by the Warsaw company "Sport-Records".