Important events
20 MAY, 2021
International Mugham Center carrying on research work within the framework of project at Museum

Director of the Center, People’s Artist Murad Huseynov is the author of idea of the project “Round Table”. Recently, relating to the research of our ancient musical instruments, the coordinator of the project Gulhuseyn Kazimov and permanent participant of instruments-related section of the project, Head of Laboratory of Reconstruction of Ancient Musical Instruments of Azerbaijan National Conservatory Mammadali Mammadov got acquainted with physical condition of the musical instruments being preserved at the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan. During the visit, it has been found out that most of the tars and kamanchas which are our musical instruments and are preserved at the Museum need to be repaired and restored.
Taking the offer of the Museum’s directory on this into consideration, International Mugham Center undertook this mission, began to repair the instruments, and with the organization of the IMC, Mammadali Mammadov has started the work. A kamancha concerning the year 1883, a tar belonging to Uzeyir Hajibayli’s elder brother Zulfugar Hajibayli, maestro Niyazi’s tar and other ancient instruments are among the instruments being restored. It should be noted that the IMC carries out these projects on the basis of mutual memorandum signed with several cultural centers, the Folklore State Center of Georgia, Institute of Folklore of ANAS, Theatre Society of Georgia, Museum of Azerbaijani Culture named after Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh in Tbilisi, Azerbaijan National Conservatory, and other organizations.