Official meeting was held with Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Azerbaijan Kim Tong Op at the ANAS National Museum of History of Azerbaijan.
The main purpose of the meeting was to expand Korean-Azerbaijani international relations in regard to culture and science. The meeting was attended by General Director, Academician Naila Valikhanli, Ambassador of Korea to our country Kim Tong Op, Deputy Director of the Museum for Scientific Affairs, PhD in History, Associate Professor Mahfuza Zeynalova, Scientific Secretary, PhD in History, Associate Professor Farhad Jabbarov and Head of Department of International Relations Emin Dadashov.
Declaring the meeting open, N. Valikhanli greeted Ambassador and provided him with thorough information on the Museum. She also mentioned that the Museum has made international relations with museums of several countries. She stated that we have extended our international relations with museums of some European countries and China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Furthermore, the Director noted that we are always ready for continuing ancient relations with Korea and for mutual cooperation to hold events, conferences, trainings by expanding the Museum relations. N.Valikhanli also mentioned that the Museum has been operating as a cultural and scientific research center and suggested carrying out activities to expand scientific, cultural relations with Korea.
Later, Ambassador Kim Tong Op expressed his satisfaction for the visit to the Museum and gave detailed information about diplomatic relations between Korea and Azerbaijan. the Ambassador mentioned that the number of Azerbaijani students studying in Korea to learn Korean language and culture increases day by day. Azerbaijan has a rich and ancient history. Despite the long distance between Korea and Azerbaijan, as a result of growing interest towards the Caucasus region, there is observed increase in the number of Koreans traveling to Azerbaijan and publications concerning Azerbaijani history. He particularly emphasized that hopefully, our peoples would closely get acquainted with each other by means of such exchanges and cooperation in various spheres and these relations which would be beneficial for both countries would last in the future, as well. The Ambassador stated that next year events would begin to be held in the direction of expanding scientific and cultural relations between Korea and Azerbaijan and working group would be organized to implement these projects.
The Ambassador visited the exhibitions “Karabakh is always mother to dreams” (“Anadir arzulara her zaman Qarabagh”) and “Nizami Ganjavi and Azerbaijani Atabeks state” orginized at the Museum.
After all, exquisitely decorated publications dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Museum were presented to the Ambassador.