“Genocide of Azerbaijanis” section of National Museum of Azerbaijan History opened
On April 24, “Genocide of Azerbaijanis” section of the exposition of National Museum of Azerbaijan History was opened.
ANAS president, acad. Akif Alizadeh stated that, this exposition attaches great importance in terms of delivering a...

National Museum of Azerbaijan History enriches with new archaeological materials
Recently, Archaeology Fund of National Museum of Azerbaijan History was submitted new archaeological materials by Dr. Geography Rena Gashgay.
Archaeological findings have been discovered in 2004 during excavations in the necropolis Plov...

First lady of Pakistan visited National Museum of Azerbaijan History
Begum Sahiba, wife of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnun Hussein, visited National Museum of Azerbaijan History March 12.
Guest was provided information on the establishment history of the museum and stated that, ...

New archaeological exhibit entered National Museum of History of Azerbaijan
National Museum of History of Azerbaijan was entered a new archaeological exhibit - bronze ring.
This finding, discovered by accident in the village Giziloba Tartar district, was transferred to the museum. Decoration consists of a ring, the l...