The primary goal in establishing the H.Z.Taghiyev Club operating in the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan since 2013 is to share substantial information on the life and activity of the person, who was a leader and a patriotic example to the public, and to urge the growing young generation to protect national-spiritual values. Twice a year (January-May and September-December), different school groups take a final exam free of charge on the topics taught by the specialists and later, the graduates are awarded with certificates and gift-books. Since 2016, the Club has been gathering its audience with online registration, delivering photo-slide lectures on the topic as well as excursions, expanding the range of audience in accordance with the present demand and admitting people of all age groups. Every year, 50-100 listeners attend these groups and even they take part as amateur actors in small scenes of the events held in the Museum concerning H.Z.Taghiyev and his family. The moderator of the Club is Research Associate of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan Laman Musayeva and the leader of the project PhD in History, Associate Professor Farhad Jabbarov.