02 April, 2021
The Museum propagates the heroes of 2016 April War
The National Museum of History of Azerbaijan consistently propagates heroes being martyred for the integrity of our country including the martyrs of 2016 April War and preserves their heritage.
The national flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan belonging to Elvin Mirzoyev who has become martyr during April War is preserved at the museum. There was also held enlightening event called “Glorious victory battle of our history” dedicated to the anniversary of April War at the NMHA.
Additionally, military clothes of the National Hero of Azerbaijan, major Samid Imanov, ensign Nijat Iskenderov, ensign Alimdar Safarov are preserved at the museum and their martial way is propagated. These clothes were gifted to the museum by museum employees Ali Farhadov, PhD in History, and Gulnar Farhadova who had met with the martyr families. In this direction, museum workers realized the project called “Let’s know and make our National Heroes be known” in Neftchala and Bilasuvar districts in 2018-2019 and held enlightening events for schoolchildren.
It should be noted that when Azerbaijani positions and inhabited places near the front line were exposed to intense artillery fire by Armenian armed forces at the beginning of April in 2016, our army suppressed the enemy by making a counterattack and this went down in history as April War (Four-Day War).