An event entitled "Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan" took place
National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS and New Azerbaijan Party Sabayil district Organization has realized an event entitled “Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan”, dedicating 29th anniversary of the renewal of independence of the Republic...

Личные вещи героя Апрельских сражений переданы в музей
В Национальном музее истории Азербайджана Национальной академии наук Азербайджана (НАНА) прошло мероприятие, посвященное памяти героического участника Апрельских сражений 2016 года, офицера Азербайджанской Армии, полковника-лейтенанта Санана Ахундова...

Released the new book on the military history of Azerbaijan
The book entitled “Military history of Azerbaijan. Part 3. "Wars and martial arts of the Safavid state of Azerbaijan in the XVI-XVII centuries" was published in Russian by head of the Department of Scientific Expositions and Exhibitions Organization ...

History Museum preserves the flag presented to Mehdigulu khan of Karabakh
93 flags of different historical events are protected in the funds of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History (NMAH) of ANAS. Among these flags, the flag presented to the Karabakh’s khan - Mehdigulu khan by the Russian emperor Alexander I is of spe...