17 Aprel, 2018
A scientific conference devoted to the 95th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev held
On April 17, the 2nd National Scientific Conference "Research, propaganda, preservation and restoration of national values stored in museums, archives and libraries" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan History.
The conference, which consisted of two sections, was attended by museum staff and representatives of various scientific and research institutions of the republic.
Opening the event, the museum's director, academician Nailya Velikhanli told about the exceptional historical merits of the great leader Heydar Aliyev to the Azerbaijani state and people. Noting that the great leader always paid special attention to the study and propaganda of Azerbaijani culture, art, cultural and historical heritage, N. Velikhanli reminded that on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev in 1969 a decision was adopted to improve the museum business in the republic, which contributed to the development of museums in our country, strengthening their material and technical base and expanding the network.
Recalling that in 1980 the national leader Heydar Aliyev took the next decision on the museum business, N.Valikhanli noted that in 1980-1982 about 30 museums were opened in the republic. The scientist added that after the return of the great leader to power for the second time this area in our country was given special attention and on March 24, 2000 the Law "On Museums" was adopted, which aims at the development of museum business on the basis of secular principles.
Director of the museum brought to attention that today the policy of preserving and promoting the national cultural heritage is successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev, who is a worthy successor to the great leader. She stressed that on March 6, 2007 the head of state signed an order "On improving the museum business in Azerbaijan".
At the end of her speech, N. Velikhanli spoke about the work done in the institution headed by her in the direction of preserving, restoring and promoting our national values.
Then, conference listened the reports by the deputy director of the museum for scientific affairs, Doctor of Historical Sciences Nargiz Aliyeva on "The activity of the National Historical Museum of Azerbaijan in the field of propaganda of education and scientific heritage in recent years", head of the Scientific Numismatics and Epigraphy Department of the Museum, Professor Ali Rajabli on "Shirvanshah-Safavid Confrontation (based on numismatic facts)", head of the Museum Affairs Sector of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Cultural Studies of Pakiza Almazova on "The Role of Heydar Aliyev in the Preservation and Promotion of Our Cultural Heritage" and head of the Scientific Research Department Library of the National Library of Azerbaijan Aygun Hajiyeva on "The fund of rare and valuable literature of the National Library of Azerbaijan".
The conference continued its work in the sections. Meetings listened about 50 scientific reports on history, ethnography, archeology, numismatics, museums and libraries and were held discussions.
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